On May 16, 2023 voters will vote in the primary elections for Districts 2, 4, 6, and 8. Mark your calendar for these key dates leading up to election day!

  • February 14: First Day for Candidates to Circulate Nominating Petitions

  • March 7: Last Day for Candidates to Circulate and File Nominating Petitions

  • April 1: Vote School Board First! publishes responses to Candidate Questionnaire

  • May 1: Last Day to Register to Vote!

  • May 9: Last Day to Apply for Absentee or Mail In Ballot

  • May 16: Last Day to Return Mail or Absentee Ballots by 8:00 PM

May 16: Election Day! Polls are open from 7:00 AM- 8:00 PM

Not sure where you vote? Find out here

For any further information, or if you need help with registering to vote, please email gmulqueen@aplusschools.org